Home > Działalność, Wiadomości > Niemiecki Konsul Generalny z Wrocławia odwiedził synagogę

Niemiecki Konsul Generalny z Wrocławia odwiedził synagogę

Październik 22nd, 2010

On September 14, 2010, the Fundacja Beiteinu Chaj – 2004 had the honor and great pleasure to welcome Mr. Bernhard Brasack, Consul General of the German Federal Republic and his wife, Mrs. Elin Magnuùsson at the historic synagogue of Dzierżoniów / Reichenbach.

Mr. and Mrs. Brasack spent more than four hours in and around the old synagogue, enjoying a rich program that included a luncheon served in the synagogue. The City of Dzierżoniów was represented by Mr. Marek Pioruń, its mayor, Mrs. Ostrowska, vice mayor, and Mr. Henryk Smolek, chairman of the city council. The Lutheran Church was represented by Pastor Leszek Wierzbicki, the Catholic Church by Vice Deacon Father Jarosław Leśniak.

Further guests of honor included :

Dr. Annemarie Franke, Director Kreisau Foundation
Mrs. Dorin Blau Vice President Fundacja Beiteinu Chaj – 2004
Mr. Marcin Olczyk, Chairman of the Board, Fundacja Beiteinu Chaj – 2004
Mr. Itzak Gingold, Chairman of the Jewish community Dzierżoniów
Mr. Lucian Węgel, former mayor of the City of Dzierżoniów
Dr. Ryszard Bielawski, honorable member, Fundacja Beiteinu Chaj – 2004

Highlights of the visit were:

  1. Opening and welcoming addresses by Rafael Blau, president of the foundation, Mr Marek Pioruń, Mayor of the City of Dzierżoniów, and Consul General Mr. Bernhard Brasack.
  2. The planting of trees around the old synagogue, replacing the original trees planted after 1875 that had to be removed on account of age and disease. The guests planted a number of trees dedicated to persons who had played an important part in the history of the synagogue and its current restoration. A list of persons remembered will be placed in the website shortly.
  3. Presentation by mgr. Anna Grużlewska on “Jewish Life in Dzierżoniów 1900 – 1940”.
  4. Musical Interlude.
  5. Presentation by mgr Ewa Śliwa, cordinator for our youth program, “Our Synagogue – its past and present and our plans for its future.”
  6. Presentation by Dr. Dominik Kretschmann, International Meeting Place Krzyżowa, on “Reminiscences of the Jewish Settlement in Lower Silesia 1945-1948”, about the international seminar for students from Germany, Poland and Israel, jointly organized and presented by the Krzyżowa Foundation and the Beiteinu Chaj – 2004 Foundation of the synagogue of Dzierżoniów (summer 2010).
  7. Second musical interlude
  8. Summary and Commentary by Consul General Bernhard Brasack.
  9. Questions and Discussion.
  10. The guests also had the opportunity to view two exhibitions in the synagogue:
    • “Our Synagogue – its past and present and our plans for its future”
    • “The History of the Jewish Community of Norway” courtesy of the Bente Kahan Foundation


The visit is considered a full success bringing various communities together and presenting the restoration project of the Dzierżoniów synagogue to a wider audience. The event was reported in the local newspaper in two articles and also by TV Sudecka (see under Videos).

Excerpts from the event that was video-recorded in its entirety will be entered in this website within the next few weeks.

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