Home > Działalność, Wiadomości > Rosh Hashanah – Żydowski Nowy Rok 5770 ( sprawozdanie )

Rosh Hashanah – Żydowski Nowy Rok 5770 ( sprawozdanie )

Grudzień 1st, 2009

Intensywne przygotowania poprzedziły obchody żydowskiego Nowego Roku, które rozpoczęły się o zmierzchu 18-go września a zakończyły o zmroku 20-go września.

During the first two weeks in September, several large restoration projects were completed in time for New Year: all windows were permanently glassed in, including the round window, high on the entrance side that carries a Star of David; the rooms on the lower floor and upstairs the prayer room were painted and eight new doors were installed; the final act of this phase of restoration was the opening of the front door that had been bricked up years ago to keep out vandals and other undesirable visitors.

It was a symbolic moment when Mr. Marcin Olczyk and his workers broke down the cement – brick wall and laid open the heavy old entrance door, dusty and covered with cracked paint, but still strong and solid.

The Beiteinu Chaj – 2004 Foundation had invited the community to come to the synagogue to celebrate the arrival of the year 5770. There were many guests from Dzierżoniów and also invited visitors from out of town ( the jewish community of Legnica ), including two young Habad brothers, special guests from Israel who conducted the prayer service, Dr. Ryszard Bielawski, the renowned historian and photographer, and others.

The truly special persons present were the members of the congregation from Dzierżoniów and Bielawa. Happiness glowed in their faces on this special day, when their old synagogue was finally returned to its intended function, to serve as the House of God for the Jewish community; on this day, a prayer service was held for the first time in 30 years!

As is the tradition, a meal was also served to all present. Prayer service, common meal, and socializing all took taking place in a dignified atmosphere.

A look back to November 2008, shows a picture of the Evening of Tolerance, arranged by Mrs. Ewa Śliwa: one sees an animated group of visitors dressed in heavy winter wear in the unheated synagogue where only old boards at he windows provide some shelter from the cold. There are only candles, but there is singing and dancing and good friendship. Moving 10 months ahead to Rosh Hashanah, we find the synagogue rooms sparkling fresh paint, the Aron Kodesh ( Torah ark ), completed.

And at night, the building is no longer dark and looking abandoned, but soft yellow warm light glows behind its windows. The synagogue has truly come to life again on this day of the Jewish New Year 5770 and of the first prayer service in 30 years.

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