Adam Lizakowski, the Polish poet who was born in Pieszyce / Peterwaldau and has lived in Chicago for the past 20 years, has returned to our synagogue for another reading of his poetry.

Adam Lizakowski – poetry reading ( 2011-08-25 )

Last poetry reading – audience
“Żydowski Dzierżoniów, Jewish Rychbach, Jüdisches Reichenbach 1945 – 1948”
The exhibition about Jakub Egit and his Yishuf / settlement in Lower Silesia had its first showing in der Landesvertretung des Landes Niedersachsen (seat of the representative of Lower Saxony) in Berlin during December 2010. (see also Jacob Egit and the Jewish Community after 1945 page under History).
Opening Day
Opening Day
Opening Day
Following the showing in Berlin, the exhibition travelled to Krzyżowa / Kreisau, Sitz der Stiftung Kreisau für Europäische Verständigung / Fundacja Krzyżowa dla Porozumienia Europejskiego during February-March 2011, and during April 2011 to Wroclaw / Breslau in the Edith Stein Haus / Dom Edyty Stein. Finally, the exhibition will find its permanent home in our synagogue. Opening date will be rosh hashana (September 29, 2011).
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