Summer 2011
“Żydowski Dzierżoniów, Jewish Rychbach, Jüdisches Reichenbach 1945 – 1948”
The exhibition about Jakub Egit and his Yishuf / settlement in Lower Silesia had its first showing in der Landesvertretung des Landes Niedersachsen (seat of the representative of Lower Saxony) in Berlin during December 2010. (see also Jacob Egit and the Jewish Community after 1945 page under History).
- Preparations
- Preparations
- Opening Day
- Opening Day
- Opening Day
Following the showing in Berlin, the exhibition travelled to Krzyżowa / Kreisau, Sitz der Stiftung Kreisau für Europäische Verständigung / Fundacja Krzyżowa dla Porozumienia Europejskiego during February-March 2011, and during April 2011 to Wroclaw / Breslau in the Edith Stein Haus / Dom Edyty Stein. Finally, the exhibition will find its permanent home in our synagogue. Opening date will be rosh hashana (September 29, 2011).
Other developments
Much has been accomplished or is still happening, in order to make the synagogue not only a dignified place of worship, but also a place for exhibitions and meetings that is safe, climate controlled offers esthetically a dignified environment.
Recent important installations
Security / Alarm System:
We installed a new internet connection and increased the number of roving cameras from four to six.
Rehabilitation of the foundation of the synagogue building:
The synagogue is more than 135 years old. As in the case of other buildings of such age, one had to expect that the foundation was seriously damaged by moisture and shifting soil. Fortunately, thanks to the conscientious work of the original builders, the damage turned out to be much less than expected. But important rehabilitation work on the building had to be done. We were fortunate. As our president Rafael Blau gratefully acknowledged, “the workmen [in the pictures] are ‘our’ prisoners!! They are still helping us very much !! Without their help, most of the work and the projects now in progress would not have been possible without their dedicated, skilled work!! (“Our prisoners” are inmates of the local penal institution and work for our synagogue as volunteers under the honor system).
More Summer Activities
A special Day!
The installation of the aron hakodesz (the ark) in the synagogue. Here are the detailed photographs taken before the installation of the aron hakodesh in our synagogue. This is a historic piece from an unknown Silesian synagogue; it has found a new home in our synagogue.
We thank you for your interest and your generosity.