
Archive for February, 2018

“Festival @ Rutika” Stukkot 2018

February 18th, 2018 Comments off

Open Call @Rutika-1

2 קול קורא פסטיבל אצל רותיקה מעודכן ל 31.1.18-1


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International Day of Holocaust Victims Remembrance Day

February 6th, 2018 Comments off


January 27 is a Remembrance Day for victims of Holocaust. On that day, at the “Rutika” synagogue a ceremony was held to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust during World War II. The ceremony was attended by the mayor of Dzierżoniów, Mr. Dariusz Kucharski, a representative of Beiteinu Chaj Foundation, members of the Dzierżoniów Veteran Group and Reserve Union of the Polish Army of the 1st Armored Corps, activists of the Social and Cultural Jewish Association of Jews in Dzierżoniów and representatives of the Jerusalem Community. After speeches, flowers were laid and candles lit at the monument commemorating the victims of the Holocaust.







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