On the third day of the festival art workshops continued:

and the theatre workshops:

At 12.45 sharp a photograph exhibition entitiled “Temporary House” by Joanna Śliwa-Cichoń was opened on the Ladies’ Gallery:

In the evening a facinanting play “Jolly Roger” by Granda theatre was performer.

At the end of workshops their outcomes were presented:

While the final results of the theatre workshops called “What’s your story” were presented in different Synagogue places – from the cellar to the attic:

And this is how doba.pl recounted the Festival:
The second day of the Festival was opened by the theatre performances in Cultural Centre in Dzierżoniów

A complicated story of Jewish nation was told in the performance “Dear Professor” which depicted Ewa’s life before and after the war.

And then the story first told with Adam Lizakowski’s words and after that with the dance in the performance “Roling Back”

In the evening Adam Lizakowski presented his own poetry.

Also the ceremony of the Sabbath’s end was presented:

The evening finished with an awesome concert of Łódź Childern’s Choir conducted by profesor Waldemar Surtyk.

On the Friday evening an official opening of the festival was planed. The waiting for 5.00 pm was brightened by the performance of Andrzej Ostapov who presented several Sabbath melodies.

At 5.00 pm Shani Blau, Rafael Blau and the Mayor Dariusz Kucharski with their speeches officially opened the Festival.

At 6.02 pm Sabbath started with the ritual lighting of candles.

Wonderful evening finished with a traditional Sabbath dinner.

“At Rutika’s” Festival – “Temporary House” started

The festival was thorougly prepared by Dorin and Rafael Blau as well as the originator and art director Shani Blau

Yet, before the official opening several workshops already took place in the Synagogue:
- historical:

- artistic:

- and theatrical: